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Your Perfect Guide To Macronutrients

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Your Perfect Guide To Macronutrients – Macronutrients belong to a group of nutrients that are essential for the functioning of the body. They provide energy to the body and help in preventing disease. These nutrients are available in many foods but it is difficult to determine the right amount to consume. Because your body needs more nutrients to function properly additionally, these nutrients are measured in the form of calories or kcal. In this article, we will discuss Your Perfect Guide To Macronutrients. So if you are searching for the perfect guide to macronutrients, you are in the right place.

Your Perfect Guide To Macronutrients

Macronutrients also known as macros, carbs, protein, and fat are the three main macros that are needed in larger amounts than other nutrients. These macros are responsible for the overall maintenance of the bodily structure and carrying out essential functions. Micronutrients are essential and play a vital role in promoting good health and optimizing fitness. Mostly our body takes energy and calories from macronutrients and each type of macros has its purpose and benefits. However, the exact amount of macronutrients is different in every person and based on individual factors such as weight, age, and preexisting health conditions. You know the function and performance of the body are influenced by the quality and quantity of the food you eat. Moreover, this will help you in losing weight, build muscles, and provide you with energy.

What are Macronutrients?

Macronutrients are specific molecules that contain energy and nutrients to make up calories in the body. Lots of people count macros usually this refers to three main compounds your body gets from the food you eat. On the other hand, micronutrients are vitamins and minerals that also suit your needs but in a small amount. Foods have different amounts of macronutrients but one is always present in every bite. 

The calorie content of each macronutrient is:

  • Carbohydrates contain 4 kcal per gram
  • Proteins contain 4 kcal per gram
  • Fats contain 9 kcal per gram 

These macros have specific roles in your body that allow you to function properly. Your body breaks down macronutrients and uses their nutrient density to create energy and build the body structurally. You know your diet can directly impact the way you feel, perform, your mood, and even your behavior.

What is the importance of Macronutrients?

There are three types of macronutrients in the body and each type performs an important role in keeping your body healthy.


It is also known as carbs or sugars which play a vital role in your body. These are fuels for your body during digestion, carbohydrates get broken down into glucose. Glucose is the primary source of energy and it is important for all your body’s cells and functions. Moreover, the extra carbohydrates that don’t need to get stored away as glycogen. Carbohydrates are also divided into two categories:

Simple carbohydrates – These contain one or two sugar molecules and they are the instant energy source and can raise blood sugar levels quickly. Some simple carbs lack other nutrients and may lead to weight gain; these include table sugar, candies, and sugar drinks.

Complex carbohydrates – They have complex chemical structures so these carbs take longer for your body to break down so these carbs do not raise your blood quickly. Complex carbohydrates include starchy vegetables, lentils, quinoa, broccoli, apples, spinach, and grains. 

Sources of Carbohydrates

Here we mention some of the best ways to get healthy sources of carbohydrates:

  • Whole grains: brown rice, oats, farro, and barley
  • Vegetables: peas, potatoes, corn, and other starchy veggies
  • Fruits: mangoes, bananas, figs, and apples
  • Beans and legumes: black beans, lentils, and chickpeas
  • Dairy products: milk and yogurt

Functions of Carbohydrates

Instant energy – Carbohydrates are a fantastic source of glucose and glucose is an instant energy source for your brain, central nervous system, and red blood cells.

Storing energy – Extra glucose is stored by our body in the form of glycogen in your muscles and liver for later use when you need energy.

Digestion – It is beneficial for digestion.

Helps you feel full – Fiber is beneficial for the body and it keeps you feeling full for longer.


Proteins are essential for our body and are digested into amino acids. There are 9 essential amino acids acquired through the consumption of protein-rich foods. Individuals can acquire about 10-35% of their calories from protein-rich foods and their daily intake.

Sources of Protein 

  • Poultry: chicken and turkey
  • Eggs: particularly egg whites
  • Red meat: beef, lamb, and pork
  • Seafood: salmon, shrimp, and cod
  • Dairy products: milk, yogurt, and cheese
  • Beans and legumes: black beans, lentils, and chickpeas
  • Nuts and seeds: almonds and pumpkin seeds
  • Soy products: tofu, edamame, and tempeh

Some functions of protein

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Building and repairing – Amino acids contain new proteins in our body and are used to build and repair tissues and muscles.

Providing structure – These acids help in maintaining structure to your body’s cell membranes, organs, hair, skin, and nails.

pH balance – Amino acids maintain your proper pH balance in your body.

Creating enzymes and hormones – These acids are beneficial in creating hormones so if you don’t have the right amino acids, then your body cannot create enzymes and hormones.


Everybody thinks that fats are unhealthy for the body but these macronutrients are very essential like the other two. Fat performs a crucial function in the body like storing energy, absorption and transportation of fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamin A, D, E, and K.

Trans fats – These fats do more harm than good because they increase LDL cholesterol level in the body while lowering HDL cholesterol levels which cause conditions like obesity, diabetes and occurrence of cardiovascular risk.

Saturated fats – If you consume these fats in a consumed way then it is healthy for your body. Saturated fats are solid at room temperature.

Unsaturated fats – Unsaturated is responsible for enhancing blood cholesterol level, and reduce inflammation, stabilize heart rhythms and provide an array of benefits to your body. Mostly these fats are divided into two parts polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats. Polyunsaturated fats help in blood clotting and muscle movements. While monounsaturated fats help in reducing the blood cholesterol levels in the body.

Sources of Fat

  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Coconut: fresh, dried, and coconut oil
  • Avocados: fresh and avocado oil
  • Nuts and seeds: almonds and pumpkin seeds
  • Fatty fish: salmon and herring
  • Dairy products: full fat yogurt and cheese


Getting a balance of macronutrients is essential for your well-being and it supports your health and fitness. In this blog, we will discuss all important details of Your Perfect Guide To Macronutrients. We hope this is beneficial for you.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question 1 – What are macronutrients food Guide?

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Answer – Macronutrients are types of food that are needed in large quantities for smooth functioning in the body. These nutrients include carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and water.

Question 2 – What are the most important macronutrients?

Answer – Over all every macronutrients has its own important function in the body but proteins are the building blocks of your body. All non fat tissues in your body are composed of protein, so we can say that protein is the most important macronutrient.

Question 3 – What are the best sources of macronutrients?

Answer – There are lots of starchy vegetables that contain macronutrients such as bread, rice, pasta, oats, quinoa, couscous.

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