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Foods To Eat During Acid Reflux

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Foods To Eat During Acid Reflux – In this blog, we are discussing acid reflux/ GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), its symptoms, causes, and Foods To Eat During Acid Reflux. Even though you can easily find over-the-counter medicine for acid reflux, it is not a permanent solution. One should take care of their lifestyle and eating habits to lower the symptoms of acid reflux.

  Foods To Eat During Acid Reflux

Did you know? About 10% to 30% of India’s population suffers from gastroesophageal reflux disease. The primary causes include eating at the wrong times, consuming foods heavy in fat and oil, and eating a lot of food at once. Eating high-fat foods, such as those that include a lot of cheese or fast food that is fried in excessive amounts of oil, is a severe problem.

What is Acid Reflux?

Acid reflux, also referred to as GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), is the most common digestive complication In India. The main reason behind GERD is the damaged lower esophageal sphincter (LES). When fat accumulates on the esophageal sphincter, it loosens or relaxes, allowing stomach acid to enter the esophagus. In addition to these previously listed causes, alcohol and smoking can contribute to acid reflux. Some food can cause heartburn such as fried food, Pizza, chili powder, fast food, cheese, chocolate, tomato-based food, peppermint, citrus fruit, carbonated drinks, etc. 

Now, let’s take a look into some main causes of GERD – 

  1. Gastroparesis or empty stomach for a long time
  2. Rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, etc can act as contributing factors for acid reflux
  3. Pregnancy 
  4. Overweight 
  5. Overeating 
  6. Smoking
  7. Alcohol
  8. Eating large meals

Acid reflux is frequently experienced by children, teenagers, and pregnant women. Acidity is frequently a danger for expectant mothers. Children and teenagers frequently sleep right after eating, consume a lot of processed, fried, salty, and fatty meals, and don’t chew their food well. Therefore, these are some of the reasons why women and children may have acidity issues more frequently than males.

List of Foods To Eat During Acid Reflux/ GERD/ Heartburn

These foods can be categorized into three. These food items are easily available in the market. 

High-Fiber Foods – High-fiber foods are very beneficial for our gut health. There are a number of high-fiber-rich foods available in the market that are good for acid reflux/ GERD/ heartburn. 

  1. Whole Grain Food – Such as oatmeal, brown rice, etc.
  2. Root Vegetables – These include carrots, beetroot, sweet potatoes, etc.
  3. Green Vegetables – Beans, asparagus, broccoli, cucumber, etc. 

Alkaline Foods – Our stomach contains acid and having alkaline food helps in lowering the pH. It helps in getting relief from heartburn and acid reflux. Foods like nuts, fennel, cauliflower, melons, and bananas.

Watery Foods -There is some food that has a high water content which is good for getting rid of heartburn. Such as lettuce, watermelon, celery, herbal tea, broth-based soups, and many more. 

Some Home Remedies to get rid of Heartburn

Now, we will take a look at some herbal remedies or foods that are good for instant relief from GERD / Acid reflux / Heartburn. Starting with 

  1. Milk – One of the common remedies for heartburn. Also, yogurt contains probiotics which help in better digestion. Basically, yogurt acts as a natural buffer and provides immediate relief from acid reflux. 
  2. Ginger – Ginger is rich in anti-inflammatory properties and is one of the best foods for getting rid of irritation and acid reflux. You can take ginger tea or ginger powder with honey. This remedy is multifunctional.
  3. Apple Cider Vinegar – Apple cider vinegar with lukewarm water is very effective for our digestive health. It gives instant relief from acid reflux. 
  4. Lemon Water – Lemon water has alkaline properties and helps neutralize stomach acid. 
  5. Bananas – High in potassium and have low pH. It helps neutralize the stomach acid and ultimately acid reflux
  6. Beans – Beans are rich in fiber and fibrous fruits help in a better digestive system. That’s why people recommend beans to get rid of heartburn.
  7. Egg Whites – A Low-fat protein source eggs are a great remedy for getting instant relief from GERD. It is also rich in other nutrients as well. 
  8. Watermelon – Fruits with high water content can be used for treating GERD / acid reflux. 
  9. Soup – Homemade soups are the best for getting rid of acid reflux
  10. Water – Drinking water is helpful to get rid of heartburn.

Some Lifestyle Changes One must Make for lowering Symptoms of GERD

  1. Eat healthily
  2. Eat-in small portion
  3. Eat slowly
  4. Say no to fast food
  5. Quit smoking and less alcohol
  6. Chew food properly
  7. Wear loose clothes
  8. Exercise
  9. Add fiber-rich food to the diet 


Lastly, we hope you get all the information regarding Foods to eat during acid reflux. However, if you want a detailed personalized diet plan for GERD, then reach out to Dietitian Priyanka Mittal. She is a well-renowned dietitian offering affordable yet personalized diet plans in PAN India. 

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