Diet Plan For Zika Virus – Zika Virus is a very common virus and causes by mosquitoes bite. It is mostly spread in South, Puerto Rico, and Central America locations. Well, research shows that most people who are infected with the Zika virus have no symptoms so it is tough to recognize it. But, here is good news for you to treat the Zika Virus with the help of the Diet Plan of Zika Virus. Healthy food is helpful to strengthen the immune system. If you are having no Zika Virus symptoms or the mild effects then it can be cured by following the Diet Plan of Zika Virus.
Zira Virus causes a threat to pregnant women. Here is some problem that infected pregnant women faces:
- Delayed speech and motor milestones (sitting, standing, walking)
- Problems with movement and balance
- Hair Loss
- Eyesight Problems
- Feeding problems, such as difficulty swallowing
- Hearing loss
Table of Contents
Symptoms of Zika Virus
If you are facing the below-mentioned symptoms then you are infected with Zika Virus.
- Vomiting
- Pain behind the eyes
- Fever
- Headache
- Joint Pain
- Muscle pain
- Conjunctivitis or red eyes
Mostly 20 to 45 age group people face more effects of the Zika Virus. But the Diet Plan for Zika Virus protects you from the harmful effects.
Foods to add in Diet Plan of Zika Virus
Here are some foods that are beneficial to eat in the state of Zika Virus. always remember a balanced diet has the power to fight against any virus. So, Eat Healthily.
- Nuts and Seeds
- Poultry
- Kale
- Cauliflower
- Garlic
- Jalapeño peppers
- Lemons
- Cranberries
- Yogurt
- Apples
- Chicken soup
- Garlic
- grapefruit
- Ginger
- sage
Highlights about Zika Virus
- Zira Virus is infected by the bite of Mosquito especially Aedes Species Mosquito.
- This virus can be passed from a pregnant woman to her fetus.
- There are no particular symptoms of the Zika virus and no specific medicine is introduced.
- Zika Virus our a bad impact on the immune system and weaken body strength. So, prefer to follow the balanced Diet Plan for Zika Virus.
- A person can also get infected from Zika Virus through sex.
Tips to Follow in Diet Plan for Zika Virus
Here are the simple tips that can help you to overpower the Zika Virus.
- Always protect yourself with some guidelines.
- Cover your full body to avoid the contact with mosquitos
- Use Insect repellent
- frequently wash your Hands
- Use Hand Sanitizer
- Add Immunity Booster Food in your Diet
- Keep your surroundings Clean
- Sticky Follow the Zika Virus Diet Plan
- Take vitamins, immunity boosters
- Also, take Vitamin D
- Eat lots of vegetables and fruits.
- Get sound sleep
- Consume Kadha
- Take turmeric water
- Drink Green Tea
These are some tips to follow in the Zika Virus. You can tackle this issue by consuming high protein food. In the viruses and infection, the immune system becomes weak. Take 1 glass of lime water every morning. Zika Virus causes birth defects in babies born. This also damages the brain and underdeveloped the baby’s brain. Moreover, Zika Virus directly attacks the immune systems and the nerves get weak.
The Bottom Line
Viruses and infections are increasing day by day. Like other viruses, Zika Virus is also very powerful and has no symptoms in initial days. But the results are very harmful. So, in this condition, you can follow the Diet Plan For Zika Virus. The above are some instructions to follow in this condition. That makes you healthy and fight against the Zika Virus. Always cover yourself at the mosquito place. As no vaccine is invested to overpower it so healthy light style is only the solution to survive in this condition.